Do We Live in a Universe or a Multiverse?

By Jason Gallien

Why are we taught in school that we live in a 3D Universe, when in reality, we live in a multidimensional Multiverse?

I’m no physicist, nor a priest, yet I know there is an unknown world we fail to perceive through sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell. I have faith in it’s existence–the reality beyond human (physical) sensory–because I can feel it around me and within me.

How can you describe with language–breakdown in words (sound)–that which is intangible? We give words to our feelings and emotions but are words enough to accurately and precisely convey the experience? We have incorporated a very popular media that uses both words and music for sound, with moving visual images and symbols, to convey a second layer of communication to the subconscious mind. Let me tell you, this combination of sight and sound is effective, more so than sound alone. Look at how radio changed the world, and then look at how television and movies changed it; without a doubt, powerful stuff. However, if you think about it, what is more powerful–the sounds and visuals of media or the feelings it can induce in you that might impulse you to sepnd thousands of dollars on a television or give money to a political party? I argue your feelings are more powerful because it gave you the motivation to get up and do it. The audio/video stimulus was merely the trigger that you in (e)motion. The power is within the individual to be aware, knowledgeable, and strong-willed to resist such provocative stimulation that might be harmful to their own health, humanity’s health, and the planet’s health. Can you please draw me a picture of awareness, knowledge, and will-power?

Back to the tangible Universe–N.A.S.A. has spent trillions of dollars trying to figure out how to travel in/through space and time, in the perceivable universe, but what if the physics is lacking a critical component? For example, physics still fails to reveal what gravity or time actually are. Yes, we can “see” the effects of gravity and counter those effects, as well as “measure” time, but what exactly are gravity and time? You can’t draw a picture of them can you? So what about metaphysics?

Quantum physics itself reveals “hidden” forces, matter and dimensions (String Theory), so what is the implication? What can we integrate and assimilate into the tangible realm, the 3D reality we exist at/in, and learn about ourselves and the Multiverse from these implications? How can we apply it for creating harmony and maintaining health in our environment, from the individual to humanity, to the Earth, and to all life here and elsewhere?

If there are hidden sources of cosmic energy existing everywhere that are blanketing this reality of 3D, then how can we use these naturally occurring forces in a useful and beneficial way? Humanity has already harnessed many unseen forces, and I can list a few examples: radio and cell phones (can’t see the waves but you can hear the sound), television 9can’t see the waves but you get the picture), and, of course, the internet (wi-fi). Well, what if because of our lack of knowledge about the intangible, multidimensional Multiverse, these technologies are causing harm to the human body? If our cell phones and wi-fi are giving us cancer, what good are they really? Same goes for oil, fracking, coal, current nuclear power plants, clear-cutting, and mining. If it’s destroying life, then what, and/or who, is it benefiting?

Although I personally think the current conception of wind turbines is inadequate and inefficient, I do think wind power can be better and more effectively harnessed by approaching it from a different angle–from the metaphysical perspective. We can’t see the wind, but we can feel it; we feel it, so we believe it exists…same for sunlight…we can see its light and feel it’s heat radiate…or what we perceive to be light and heat anyway…
If we an harness rays of the sun, waves of the ocean, the motion of a river, the movement of the wind, and the power of the nucleus, then how can we harness cosmic rays, interstellar waves, universal motions, multidimensional movements, solar winds, and multiversal powers?

When we realize that the human body is a vehicle for the immaterial/intangible spirit and soul, existing in mulitple dimensions and multiple universes simultaneously, then we can begin to realize and manifest as a new humanity, living in a new society and culture, multidimensionally, coexisting in the intangible realms and dimensions and the physical world, with balance and harmony.

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